COLOUR Construction Week 6 | Texture Model




-fallen leaves

In this week, we were making clay model in wet lab. I made a palette about materials and textures which can be found in Albert Park. They are flowers, leaves, stones, macadam and gravel. I also made the terrain of Albert Park that some of the areas are uneven and some of them are flat.

making prosses:

After firing:

COLOUR Construction Week 5 | Fog Cooling System

How it works:

The cooling principle of the artificial fog space environment is the dual flow of aerosol and the principle of heat absorption by evaporation. The cooling terminal diffuses the fog particles with a diameter of 1-10 microns to the cooling area. During the diffusion process, it continuously evaporates and absorbs a large amount of heat energy in this area. Generally, it can reach a cooling effect of 6℃-10℃, and in extreme cases, the cooling range can be 14℃. The outstanding advantages of artificial mist spray for cooling are energy saving, environmental protection, and no secondary pollution to the environment.

The pipeline adopts high-pressure copper pipe or nylon pipe. The high-pressure spray system refers to the system that uses the high-pressure spray host to transfer the water that has been precision filtered to the special high-pressure pipe network for fog generation, and then sprays into the fog from the special spray nozzle for fog generation.

The water particles emitted into the air by the artificial mist cooling system absorb a large amount of heat from the surrounding environment during the process of gasification, thereby reducing the temperature of the surrounding environment

A system that consumes 20W can cool down hundreds of square meters. Open 24 hours a day, only 1 kWh of electricity a day, real low-cost, energy-saving and environmental friendly.

COLOUR Construction Week 4 | Sketch proposal

I am planning to design a sensorium which include visual and sense of touch. The main idea is to remind people about nature. Because I saw people pass the park hastily even there are full of natural things. Inspired by the artwork Ripeka Kahurangi, I would love to create a layering construction. Since I saw people in Albert Park was playing sport, I design a seat and a fog cooling system for them and everyone. Moreover, the fog cooling system provide a sense of touch which I am looking for. People can feel the fog spraying on them.

As for the material, I am thinking of concrete and glass because the wall of Auckland Art Gallery is build by concrete, I hope people could be reminded of the gallery when visit here.

The location that I have chose is a flat area which is located beside the center fountain and Princes St. It is because there are quite bustle, I hope more people would be attracted by the construction.